2013 – Edition

Physical-Biological ocean interactions: from the micro to the large scale

Presentation of the edition

Beginning on summer 2013, the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM) will hold the Ramon Margalef Summer Colloquia, a series of annual two-week summer encounters aimed at recent PhDs and advanced graduate students in Marine Sciences and Oceanography. Its main objective is to promote the exchange of ideas between experienced and young promising researchers on a relevant topic in Oceanography.

The central topic of the colloquium will change every year. The first one, to be held from 1 to 12 July 2013, is “Physical-Biological ocean interactions: from the micro to the large scale”. The colloquium will include theoretical and practical activities, all within this central topic, as well as individualized supervision of a related research problem. The colloquium will be complemented with a series of master lessons on hot topics.


The Summer School main activities will be held in the installations of the Institute of Marine Sciences, right by the beach and near downtown Barcelona. Accommodation will be provided in student residences or hotels nearby the institute.

This first edition is organized as a joint effort of the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM, www.icm.csic.es) and the Catalan Association of Oceanographers (ACOIO, www.acoio.org). Josep Lluís Pelegrí, Celia Marrasé and Jaume Piera principal investigators of the ICM will be in charge of all scientific and lecturing activities. Eli Bonfill and Aurora Requena, members of ACOIO will handle all the organizational issues.


The principal aim of this Colloquium is to enhance the exchange of ideas and to promote imaginative thinking on a very important subject within Marine Sciences: the Physical-Biological interactions within the ocean at many temporal and spatial scales. Substantial interest has arisen during the last 20 years on the importance of the physical environment over biological properties. Despite this recognition, very few universities have courses on this topic and even fewer international forums have been dedicated to its discussion.

Institutional support OF THE EDITION